
Walnuts oil

The composition of walnut oil are: unsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F - 92%), vitamins A, D, K, C, P, PP, carotenoids, tocopherols, vitamin B group, a record amount of vitamin E; macro and micronutrients (zinc, copper, iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, cobalt, selenium); biologically active substances, coenzyme Q10. The Omega-6 and Omega-3 - 74.6% (which are called essential because they cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained from food). The oil from the walnut kernels has a pronounced therapeutic effect.
The basic properties of oil:
• immunomodulatory
• regenerating
• anti-inflammatory
• antitumor
• anti-radiation
• bactericidal
Oil greatly enhances and reinforces the medical treatment of functional disorders of the body, caused by the lack of essential fatty acids, vitamins, carotene and other biologically active substances. Promotes treatment of the following diseases:
The gastrointestinal tract: It is used for cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis, ulcers. The presence of sitosterol (essential fatty acid) reduces the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine, cleans the walls of the intestine and rectum. Revitalizes gastrointestinal ulcer heals, restores appetite. By reducing the acidity, eliminates heartburn.
The brain: It improves the elasticity of the capillaries of the brain, is a major component of cell membranes of the brain. It nourishes the brain cells.
The oncology: Reduces the risk of breast, ovarian, colon and prostate. Successfully used for the protection and recovery of the body when radiation and X-rays. It participates in the formation of cell membranes with selective transmittance. It protects the membrane and the nucleus of cells from destruction by free radicals.
The pulmonary diseases: Since ancient times, used in pulmonary diseases (tuberculosis).
The kidneys: Promotes soft cleaning is necessary for the health of the kidneys.
The heart: normalizes the cardiovascular system. It is clearing the walls of blood vessels, making them supple and elastic. It prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Ensure the normal operation of the cardiovascular system. It protects the heart from a heart attack. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents thrombosis, and expands the small blood vessels. It normalizes blood pressure.
The endocrine system: Improves metabolic processes, normalizes blood sugar, and normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland.
The urogenital system: Improves blood circulation in the genital area, stimulates spermatogenesis and libido. It is necessary for the health of the genitourinary system.
The liver: Restores and strengthens the liver cells. It is used for chronic and acute hepatitis. It promotes quality and timely bile outflow. It increases the elasticity of the bile ducts. It Increases bile secretion.
The eyesight: to build the cell membranes of the retina. It improves visual acuity.
The nervous System: A large number of vitamins has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves fatigue, and normalizes sleep rhythm.
For children: Necessary prophylactic adolescence (forming tooth enamel, effect on carbohydrate metabolism, contributes to the formation of thyroid hormone, forms the nucleus of nerve cells). It promotes full mental, physical and sexual maturation and development. It is necessary for students. It strengthens the immune system. Displaying weakened and slowly developing children.
For pregnancy: Does laktogonnye properties. It is recommended for pregnant women, as it promotes the full development of the fetus. It forms the nucleus of the nerve cells of the fetus.
The skin: It is recommended as a vitamin supplement for any purulent inflammations. It is used in cosmetics for the preparation of nourishing creams and medical cosmetics:
• has a rejuvenating, regenerating and toning effect on the skin, absorbs quickly and leaves the skin soft and silky;
• used in creams Eye Wrinkle for damaged skin of hands, in hygiene products for the body and lip balm. The most valuable product for burns of any degree (regenerates tissue).
• used as a protective agent against sunburn and tan velvet acquisition. In the dermatology (psoriasis, all kinds of skin rashes, eczema).